
This web site is indented to be a fact base discussion on the Utah election process. Utah selects it’s political party candidates in a unique fashion. Delegates are chosen from neighborhood precincts, and those delegates are task with choosing party candidates.

The “Count My Vote” campaign is suggesting that we should follow suit with most other states in the Union and have direct Primaries. Through there efforts, it’s causing people to ask about our current system.

Utah does have a very low voter turnout, sometimes as low as 15%. Will a direct Primary stir more interest in voting? History does not suggest that.

The following pages on my site are intended to show how our current voting process works; and the links below are provided as sites that give a strong argument for keeping our current neighborhood elections.

keep Our Caucus     Neighborhood Elections

Form of Government

Lets start our discussion by asking what form of government we use.

Challenger Schools runs a commercial asking what form of government we use. Tragically, many Americans do not know. The term Democracy is bantered around so much, many people think it is our form of Government.

Our federal government is a Republic, as so are each of the states, guaranteed by Article 4, section 4 of the US Constitution.  

A Republic is representative government. As citizens, we elect Representatives who speak for us on government matters. We use the democratic process to choose these representatives; and in Utah, they must receive over 50% of the vote.

In a Democracy, every one votes on everything. This is what amount to majority rule. We don’t do that here. Instead we use the democratic process to elect political leaders and representatives.

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